Freedom to love intimately (LD 41, part 1)

Introduction The ten commandments are brief statements with broad meanings. That is especially true for commandments six through nine. We saw that with the sixth commandment: “You shall not kill” is very short, but it teaches us about all our interactions with other people. It is also true for the seventh commandment. “You shall not … Continue reading Freedom to love intimately (LD 41, part 1)

The creation of the earth

In theology, a distinction is made between “first creation” and “second creation” (creatio prima/secunda). In the “first creation”, God created the whole universe and his heavens out of nothing; this is described in Gen. 1:1.* The “second creation” begins with the First Day in Gen. 1:3. Herman Bavinck writes in his Reformed Dogmatics (§2.269): “Genesis … Continue reading The creation of the earth

Understanding the “image of God”

The creation narrative in Genesis 1 characterizes human beings as made “in the image” and “after the likeness” of God himself. In our very design and essence, we are closely linked to who God is: a wonderful thought! But what qualities do we have that constitute that image in us? Traditionally, there have been two … Continue reading Understanding the “image of God”